plenty of womb?

Life in the womb.

Can you remember it? Probably not, despite the fact that you were once there.

Imagine what you may have thought during that season of your life.

"Who am I?"

"What is happening to me?"

"What are these changes I can't control?"

"Why is it so dark?"

"Is this all there is?"

Yet in the midst of all of it you had a connection to "someone" - a being you were surrounded by, yet somehow were also "of." It was in this being that you came to be and were living. Without this "someone" you couldn't exist.

Sure, some might argue that you were nothing more than random chemicals... that somehow you'd evolved out of a pool of DNA and were nothing more than atoms and molecules assembled into a living thing.

And yet if you were still and focused and simply were aware, you could tune into "someone's" presence and hear a voice calling out a name you didn't know you had.
For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:13)

We can be quite clever in our attempt to develop a spiritual belief system that we agree with. We worship the stars instead of the One who made the stars; we are intrigued by creation without digging deeper to know the Creator; we speak about how we need saving without calling on Jesus to be our Savior.

Meanwhile, "Someone" has been loving you and wanting to tell you who you really are your whole life. All the trouble in the world is a collection of birth pains to let us know that a life outside of this womb is real. What if today was the day that you chose life over death? Being around tomorrow isn't guaranteed, but you do have a choice is moment about what happens beyond this moment.

Perhaps you think you have plenty of womb to put such an important decision off.

Be assured, your time in the womb will end sooner than you expect.

Why not get to know that "Someone" better right now?