Last week was VBS week.
This means a whole lot for my family and many others dedicated to serving for the kids. It’s a week of early dinners, sugar highs, sugar lows, and an occasional melt down from an over-tired over-stimulated kiddo.
In the middle of all this, kids are worshipping Jesus with all their lung-power every night, and learning through Bible stories how amazing God’s power is over our lives and circumstances. They're eating food and making crafts that display the creativity of the Creator.
It’s awesome to be a part of this while serving with others who share the same passion. The people involved in VBS through every detail and early planning have a driven desire to grow and encourage children in the right direction. It was an incredible experience.
The children were exposed to a relationship with Jesus and what that looks like... this is HUGE. I don’t think there’s anything much better to show a child that the gift of God is eternal life. It’s a promise to something far bigger than themselves: a forever friendship with Jesus, an eminent power who will stick with them through thick and thin.
It’s not easy, but I want to keep a steady thread of where my kids are at in their faith. My son is convinced every book has to be about God. He’s so aware that God exists, even at 4 years old. He even approached me last week with this horrifying old maid looking picture out of child’s bedtime story book he brought to me asking “where is God in this story?” He’s always looking for it.
So what happens when VBS is over? Our commitment to encouraging the kids along in their relationship with Jesus continues. We pray for the kids, keep tracking life with them and help them grow with God yet another step. We won't take a backseat at Connection Church at this - it’s not fair to them to stop now, because working with kids is the most fun kind of crazy-loving service I ever want to be a part of. Care to join me?