go crazy

You're a little crazy.

That's what you'll hear, at least.

That innovative idea you have that you fear trying because of the peanut gallery commenting on it?

It just may be the "crazy" idea that all the "sane" people need to hear.

You know how when people are driving along on a road and see a fire burning off in the distance they slow down and pay attention to it?

What if you could light the right fire so that people will slow down and pay attention to it?

Consider the perspective of Charles Spurgeon on this:
"All those who have done wonders for Christ have always been called eccentric and fanatical. Why, when Whitfield first went on Bennington Common to preach, because he could not find a building large enough, it was quite an unheard of thing, to preach in the open air. How could you expect God to hear prayer, if there was not a roof over the top of the people's heads? How could souls be blessed, if the people had not seats, and regular high-backed pews to sit in! Whitfield was thought to be doing something outrageous, but he went and did it; he went and broke the alabaster box on the head of his Master, and in the midst of scoffs and jeers, he preached in the open air.

And what came of it? A revival of godliness, and a mighty spread of religion.

I wish we were all of us ready to do some extraordinary thing for Christ - willing to be laughed at, to be called fanatics, to be hooted and scandallized because we went out of the common way, and were not content with doing what everybody else could do or approve to be done."
It's time to do that crazy thing.

It's time to get your family back into church.

It's time to get your church back into being a family.

It's time to reach out to new people who are not like you in any way.

It's time to be reached out to by people whose phone calls and texts you've been avoiding.

It's time to step up and reveal the greatness inside of you that blush about.

It's time to blush about the not-so-great things you've gotten used to happening in the world.

Go crazy.

And if the elevator tries to bring you down... go crazy (Punch a higher floor!)
I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes.  (2 Samuel 6:22)