Just a thought - you can just aim for the next temporary buzz, or actually thank God it's Friday by finding real joy in how you live today:
  • Look people in the eye, giving them all of your attention.
    It offers worth to the person.
  • Tell the truth, even if it means you have to appear foolish.
    It fosters integrity to your life.
  • Own a situation you should have handled differently, even if it feels "in the past" or you'd rather not acknowledge where you dropped the ball.It restores value to the relationship.
  • Make a difference by helping restore people and things back to their original, created God-given purpose.
    It adds vision to everything you do.

Or, you know... just live for the next temporary buzz.

As for me and my household, though... I'm all in.
"Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve... but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)