How do you do it?
Whatever your role in life, you likely spent the last week doing one or more of the following:
- Public Speaker: you had one or more situations where whatever you said was before an audience expecting you to say just the right thing in just the right way
- Font of Wisdom: you were expected to know the answers… backward and forward... so someone feeling backward could go forward
- Visionary: you felt the burden of keeping a keen eye on circumstances, culture and the horizon so you could tell others
- Therapist: you listened to others share their problems, and you did this with actual empathy
- Writer/Editor: you felt burdened to say something, yet wondered if you should - and if you should say it, how you should say it
- Evangelist: you remembered Jesus' command to reach new people for Him and took a step to do so
- Trainer: you shared your experience with others who were eager to learn
- Disciplinarian: you confronted something/someone needing it in order to make things better
- Iron Chef: you took whatever was in your cupboard and made a masterpiece out of it - even though not everyone else thought so
- Cheerleader: you became someone's biggest fan, even if it meant looking foolish
- Doctor: you tended to the wound of another person, be it a physical need or something intangible
- Public Relations: you engaged the community at large somehow for something you believe in, be it personally or on social media
- Prayer Warrior: you unleashed your heart to God and invited Him to unleash His heart into you
- CEO: you hustled for the sake of "many" and yet stepped up so that the buck could stop with someone - "you"
- Fundraiser: you looked at the numbers on hand so they could be best managed and multiplied
- Special Events Coordinator: you managed a schedule for others so they could be appropriately be challenged, entertained and kept busy
- Chauffeur: you got everyone where they needed to be while driving between the lines
- Diplomat: you helped navigate change with the right words so people would keep the right focus
- Janitor: you did the ugly work so people would have a clean perspective
- Actor: you somehow pulled all of this off, not losing i
I can only imagine the thought of doing it all once, let alone again, is enough to send any of us under our covers not wanting to get out of bed.
How do you do it?
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." (Colossians 3:17)